Sunday, February 19, 2006

my sunflower I

its funny how things work..
ive gotten to the point of thinkin that things inside my room my stuff absorve my emotions
for example
about a week ago i got this sunflower as a bright and with shiny yellow color
lots of was so beautiful
just like the thought i was havin towards this certain person i rather not remember the name of
the thing is..i begun to get so many ilutions and stupid thoughts
i placed the flower on water in my room and startin the next day she began to bloom
and actually for a second i thought there was a posibility for me to be a little happy for a while
and the sunflower kept on bloomin inside my room openin up gracefully
later on the week i got several..better yet plenty of dissapoinments and tears became a part of my constant daily system ( yeah me cryin can you believe that?)
and as the week passed by this flower started to close its petals ...not rot..literally they closed up..
last night was quite crutial for me
everything just fell apart just like i did
everything is over
for now
and today...this sun flower is permanently shut
i cannot see the brown center of its beauty anymore
it sucked my emotions and it just closed..
quite intrestin i have to say
now im thinkin about throwin it away...or watch it rot

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